Human Development and Business Consulting
About plenum HR

Our Core

Based on a vast experience on People Management, and a sound education in Coaching and Mentoring, we support the customer in the identification and critical thinking about behaviors and skills that should be  enhanced in order to leverage a personal and profissional development, either for individuals and teams. It is linked to a practical plan to implement adjustments and changes that are needed to reach the goals.

Services Provided

plenum HR is specialized in Coaching and Mentoring for Executives, Healthcare Professionals and the ones interested in skills’ development and/or improvement, in order to have a more balanced and productive life. plenum HR  also provides support to organizations that want to develop or enhance their Ethics & Compliance Culture. Services can be provided virtually and/or in-person meetings.

Coaching e Mentoria
Aprimoramento da Cultura de Ética e Compliance

plenum HR : our team

Hedilene Cardoso

Coach & Mentor.
Visiting Professor at Fundação Dom Cabral.
Visiting Professor at FAAP (Fundação Armando A. Penteado).
Founding-Partner of plenum HR Ltda.

Certified as a Coach by Integrated Coaching Institute (ICI) and Metaforum International. Member of International Coaching Federation (ICF).
More than 18 years of experience in lead positions in multinational pharmaceutical companies, including 9 years as Executive Director (in Medical and in Ethics & Compliance), as well as leading positions in Human Resources and Project Management (certified as a Black Belt by George Group, USA).
Executive MBA - Marketing & Management / FISP.
MBA on the Development of Human Potential / Franklin Covey-IPOG.
Pediatrician & Pediatric Oncologist; more than 10 years of Clinical Practice.

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Regiane Salateo

Coach & Mentor.
Visiting Professor (Post-Graduation - Leadership and Career Management) at FAAP (Fundação Armando A. Penteado).
Founding-Partner of plenum HR Ltda.

Certified as a Coach by Integrated Coaching Institute (ICI).
Member of International Coaching Federation (ICF).
More than 19 years of experience in lead positions in multinational pharmaceutical companies, including 9 years as Executive Director (Medical, Corporate Affairs, Market Access and Corporate Communications), as well as leading positions in Marketing and Sales.
Executive MBA - Marketing & Management / FISP.
MBA on the Development of Human Potential / Franklin Covey-IPOG.
Six Sigma Black Belt certified by George Group, USA.
Pediatrician and Pediatric Oncologist, with 13 years of Clinical Practice.

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Av Moaci 525, cjto 302. São Paulo / SP


+55 11 983 039 804

+55 11 982 779 938

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